Over the past few days, I have seen a huge surge in traffic from people searching for marketing ideas for the 4th of July. They found the post I wrote last year on marketing at 4th of July events.
If you are still looking for marketing ideas just a few days before the 4th, I thought you might need a little help. This video gives a few fast ideas for putting something together to promote your business.
Marketing Handouts
Obviously you are not going to have enough time to get something professionally printed. Hopefully you are stocked up on business cards, Yes? Other ideas are flyers and postcards.
FedEx Kinko’s is your friend for last minute printing. While they do allow you to upload your file and pick up the printed pieces later, if you need a really fast turnaround, take it in and run the copies yourself. Office Depot and Office Max are other good resources for last minute printing.
If you want something a little sturdier, one option is to set-up a 4″ x 6″ postcard design, save it has a high resolution image (at least 600 dpi) and send it to a one hour photo place like Walmart, Walgreens, or CVS. If you are running several hundred of the same photo, they might not be able to do a one hour turnaround, but it will still be faster than most anything else.
4th of July Themed Handouts
Run to the store and stock up on some 4th of July fun:
- Sparklers
- Snap Pops
- Ice Pops
- Balloons
- Glow Sticks
- Water Bottles
Self adhesive labels are a procrastinator’s best friend. Go pick up a pack of Avery labels in a size that will fit the item you are handing out. Labels come in a wide range of sizes from mini return address labels to full 8 1/2″ x 11. Whatever you are planning on handing out, you can find a label the right size to slap on it.
MS Publisher has preset templates for almost every label size out there. Load a template, add clipart and your company information and print the label sheets.
Promotional Candy Items
If you can’t think of something creative to pass out, candy is always favorite. Once again, self adhesive labels can save the day by creating a fast and easy promotional wrap around a candy bar, either full size or mini.
Another option are bags of candy with a promotional topper. Craft bags can be found at stores like Hobby Lobby or Michaels, 2″ x 3″ or 3″ x 4″ are good sizes to go with. Put a few pieces of candy in the bag and staple your business card to the top.
Tips for Next Year
The 4th of July, like the hurricane season (if you live in the Gulf Coast,) comes every year . . . so be prepared! Plan ahead of time what events you want to promote your business at and have your promotional items on hand.
I will be release a marketing course called the “Exhibitor’s Edge” covering every thing you need to know to market your business at trade shows and community events, as well as how to turn the contacts made into long term customers. Sign up for my newsletter for more details.
Getting some promotional props can really help you in making your business stand out in the crowd.
Yes, appropriate promotional items are always a good idea.